
Где мы

Breeding Chihuahua Villa Andrei is in No Way Overview of the Strait . 1840 - Messina ( Sicily).
Messina and the Straits are one thing. Place made ??of light and shimmering water flowing in opposite directions, like a Nordic fjord where the wind never peace and the deep blue sea creeps . Messina dominates this show enchanted wrapped in its colors are never the same ; it is a crossroads of intense traffic to and from the continent , and even this is not the city that reveal the eyes of tourists distracted. Visit should be educated with the curiosity of travelers of yesteryear , then it reveals an extraordinary wealth of art, culture and traditions. Messina considers all granted the fact of possessing one of the most beautiful in the world , as well as does not show off the precious art treasures in its churches , and in his palaces . It is therefore necessary to the visitor, an inquiring mind and the desire to rebuild as a mosaic pieces of a glorious past . A stay in Messina , finally, is strategic for those who want to easily discover the most part of the fascinating places that encircle just over the sea or inland.

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Allevamento Barboncini Toy e Chihuahua di Villa Andrei
Di Antonino Sottile & Masha Goncharenko
Via Panoramica dello Stretto n. 1940
CELL. +39 371-3715651 - +39 331-7764252 - +39 339-7323968
TEL. +39 090-311240 - FAX + 39 090-311365
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